Ralf Dellen
· Healing wounds of psychological abuse ·
(castellano, deutsch, english, français, portugues, catalá)
Managing conflict systemically
Who works with people knows that it is not always possible to avoid conflict. If it is a difficult one, often we like to ignore or subdue it. If this happens for a longer period of time, we end up experimenting either paralysis in our system or at some time the conflict breaks out with such energy that it is difficult to contain the damage this causes. Many times, teams stop functioning, relations with clients break and internally we might have cases of mobbing and resignation.
Managing conflict in a systemic way, helps to:
Communicate uncomfortable issues in a non-violent way
Take a position as observer (instead of accuser) for all positions involved
Generate a climate for dialogue to listen to all opinions and foster transparency
Reinitiate the interaction between all persons involved where beforehand blockage or resistance was experienced
Introduce the principle of first recognizing all different perspectives before resolving the conflict
Increase the acceptance that sustainable consensus is achieved through comprehension and respect
Do you need to resolve a conflict? Contact with Ralf Dellen.